What future for Sega?

in Vancouver, Canada. Satomi discussed SEGA Sammy’s future as well as the progress they have made since the company’s merger back in 2004. They also talked about SEGA’s future in the mobile industry and dissatisfaction of loyal fans over the past couple of years.
Which bring us to the question, are you happy with Sega's moment?
Last year,SEGA has revealed an extensive three-year plan within the Sega Sammy group’s new “Road to 2020” document, which involves the revival of the company’s major IPs, as well as consolidating its existing IPs.

The report notes that SEGA’s profits are on a recovery trend following a a business structure reform in 2016, and further growth is expected in the next few years. As part of the company’s strategy to build itself back up within the “packaged game field,” SEGA plans to revive some of its “major IPs” though what these are precisely was not specify. In addition to the exhumation of some older IPs, SEGA has also made expanding existing IPs and challenging for new IPs a major focus going forward, as well as more “effective utilization of development engines.”

Beyond the “packaged game field,” SEGA also has plans for the digital market place, with major focus being directed to creating titles that will “become global hits,” the expansion of its overseas publishing business, and the development of next-generation titles. Based on the “Road to 2020” document, it appears that SEGA plan on continuing its post-launch support for Phantasy Star Online 2 while also developing new titles for both consoles and mobile.

"Simply the competition in the smartphone game has been very high and higher and higher so we decided not to release too many titles over the last two years; instead we developed more quality games to be more competitive in the market, then since this year we will keep these new titles so our digital sales will grow again."-Haruki Satomi

(For more details of the interview,check the link:

And this seems the right path for Sega,making quality titles the priority.
Last month we had Sega Fes 2018,which was a great moment for Sega creating a seriously buzz around it.

We will have Shenmue collection, a sakura wars game, Sega Ages cor tge Switch and the Megadrive mini coming soon.
This is all great news ,sure, but take a look at the amazing titles Sega has been releasing , such as Yakuza,Valkyria Chronicles,Shinning Ressonance Refrain,Sonic Mania,Border Break,Alien Isolation, and many more.

It remains to be seen how successful SEGA’s “Road to 2020” plan will ultimately be, but based on the early positive results, the future is looking bright for the company and it may get even brighter once some of SEGA’s old IPs are finally brought back into the fray.

Taking all this in consideration, what do you think of Sega right know?
And what does the Future hold for such a fantastic brand? 
Keep playing Sega

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