
Remaster HD Comparison

The Shenmue I and II remakes are all the rage right now. Fans are extremely excited for these HD remasters that will be hitting PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and Steam. 

Now, obviously, the HD remasters of Shenmue I and II are gorgeous looking. There is no argument there.
What is interesting is how well the Sega Dreamcast original holds up. While there are glaring improvements in the textures and such, the differences are not super obvious at first glance.

Shenmue I and II HD remasters so far are simply amazing looking. A lot of “darker” scenes are brighter and clearer in the HD remaster that Sega is working on.
Overall, colors and textures are brighter and clearer. 
With the direct comparisons, we can easily see just how dark the Dreamcast original really was. That is the most shocking thing I take away from this comparison video.
While beautiful, the Sega Dreamcast version of Shenmueis just dark. Not midnight but definitely late twilight dark.
It is going to be interesting how fans today react to Shenmue I and II. Diehard fans have been asking for remakes like this for years. Now is your chance to support these types of HD remasters and remakes so we can maybe see other past classics get this type of treatment.
Will you be playing Shenmue I & II for the first time on the PS4? Are you keeping your expectations in check, or have decades of enthusiasm for the series coloured your outlook? 
Source of the video:
By a  YouTube content creator cycu1

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